
20 Years + Experience

We Offer Slashing in Mackay & Surrounding Areas

Mine Site delineators up to 3m



Tractor Slashing Service

For an alternative to mowing, you may want to consider slashing with a flail mower. This provides the benefits of mulching your grass into the soil and a finish that's easy on the eye. 

If your acreage is out of control, you can rely on us at Jemal Ent to tame the biggest slashing job in and around Mackay.

We have a tractor slasher to tackle acreage and other large jobs as well as a Bobcat with a slasher.

In addition, we also have a flail mower that can give you a finer finish with a more.

Our Charges:

Tractor Slasher $110/hr one-way travel charge rate only

Also, talk to us about our other services including Bobcat
hire and the supply of 90mm and 50mm delineators in 3-metre, 2-metre and 1.5-metre lengths.

Down to Earth People,

Down to Earth Prices

Benefits of Slashing

Keep snakes and rodents under control with a regular slashing service from our team. Our tractor and Bobcat slashers are the ideal equipment to cut through the thick and tough paddocks in Mackay and surrounds.

We have well-maintained gear to keep us moving and keep your grass down. This well-maintained equipment means we can slash to different heights.
Ask us about other paddock services such as: spraying or tilling.

Enhance pasture and maintain bio-security safety with a regular slashing service from Jemal Ent. Our operators are trained, experienced and fully licensed. Regular mowing aids digestibility and palatability for cattle and horses.

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